Americans have zero tolerance for sex-related crimes. In 2015 alone, sexual assault cases in Ohio were reported at a rate of 86.9 for every 1,000 people. Being convicted of sexual misconduct is likely to damage your reputation and change your life forever.
4 Tips For Choosing a Drug Trafficking Attorney
There are a lot of criminal defense lawyers who work with cases involving drugs. What's important is to do your research and find the one who will give you the best representation.
How Long Might It Take<br/> To Resolve a Drug Case?
If you've been arrested for drug possession or distribution, you may need to have a criminal defense attorney with relevant experience and knowledge on the specific drug charges to represent you in court.
How to File a Sexual<br/> Assault Report in College
Most people who are victims of sexual assault often find themselves unsure of what they must do next. This is normal. After being sexually assaulted, you will likely feel emotionally drained. Apart from that, you may even be physically hurt. One of the most important things after such an incident is to make sure that you report as soon as possible.
How to Support Your Child Charged With a Sex Crime
Sex crimes are serious accusations, and for those accused it can be a difficult and confusing time. If you're the parent of someone charged with a sex crime, here is what you need to know so that you can support them to the best of your ability.
Common Defense Strategies<br/> for Sex Offense Charges
Facing a sex offense charge can be a stressful encounter. You may need to hire a criminal defense attorney. Defense strategies may vary significantly, depending on the specifics of your case.
6 Steps to Take When<br/> Accused of Sex Crimes
Sexual assault is a serious crime that can have lifelong implications. Here are some steps you can take when accused of a sex crime.
Essential Questions To Ask<br/> Your Drug Possession Attorney
You may need to find an experienced criminal defense attorney to provide the right legal assistance in the drug court. But how do you find the right lawyer?
5 Mistakes to Avoid When<br/> Facing Drug Possession Charges
Being charged with a crime related to a controlled substance can be scary and overwhelming. Here are five common mistakes to avoid when facing drug possession charges.
What Does It Mean<br/> to Be Arrested for Possession<br/> of Drug Paraphernalia?
In Ohio, possession of drug paraphernalia is defined as possessing equipment, products, or any kind of material designed with the purpose or intent of using illegal substances. Drug paraphernalia charges usually accompany drug possession charges in most jurisdictions. However, in Ohio, you will be arrested for possessing drug paraphernalia even if no drugs were found.