Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Mental Health and Criminal Defense

State of mind is often used as a defense in a criminal charge. It is a legal construct that people should only be convicted of a criminal offense if they intentionally broke the law or did so by negligence or recklessness. This raises the question about a person’s mental health issues which could affect their judgment, intent, and comprehension of the law.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Shoplifting Charges in Ohio

In 2021, more than 22,500 shoplifting charges were filed in the state of Ohio. And as a result, retail theft has led store owners to raise their prices to recoup their losses and cover additional expenses for security measures. For certain, retailers want to see anyone they believe to have stolen from them be prosecuted for the crime.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Ohio's Domestic Violence Firearm Ban

Under Ohio law, causing (or attempting to cause) physical harm to a family, household member, or intimate partner may contitute a domestic violence charge. Convictions for these charges can lead to life-altering consequences, including losing the right to own, carry, or possess a gun or firearm.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

In Ohio, a person may be arrested and charged with domestic violence for inflicting physical harm or injury on a family or household member. A domestic violence allegation or conviction can result in severe penalties and long-term consequences for the defendant.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Consequences of a Domestic Violence Charge

If you're at risk of a domestic violence conviction, you could be facing severe penalties and life-long ramifications to your personal reputation, quality of life, liberty, career, and future. A seasoned Ohio criminal defense attorney can educate you about the costly consequences of a domestic violence charge and help strategize a solid defense.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Domestic Violence Charge: Choosing Your Defense Attorney

According to the Domestic Violence Report by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, there were 51,395 reported domestic violence offenders in 2021. In Ohio, an individual may be charged with domestic violence for threatening or causing physical harm to a family or household member. When facing domestic violence charges, hiring a skilled Ohio criminal defense attorney is imperative for proper guidance and to ensure that you do not end up in the worst possible situation.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Understanding Rape by Fraud

In 2019, there were nearly 5,700 reported incidents rapes in Ohio according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. And, though all accusations of rape should be handled seriously and throughly investigated, those who stand accused of such crimes also deserve to have their rights and best interests protected. This can be especially important if you’ve been accused of rape by fraud.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

When Talking to a Minor on Social Media Is a Crime

It’s no secret that today’s youth seem to be inextricably connected to their personal devices and social media. Much of the time, social media presents no immediate harm or threat to its users, but in other cases, you may run into legal trouble.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Is it Sexual Assault if They Didn’t Say “No?”

Just because someone does not say “no” is not an indicator that they mean “yes.” Consent is a complex issue in sexual assault cases. The criminal defense attorneys at Wolfe Law Group, LLC can help you protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome if you face sexual assault charges.

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Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC

Can a Minor Be a Sex Offender?

In this world of social media and overly explicit videos, many children are exposed to sexual content and sexual activities at a very young age. Unfortunately, this also results in an increase in juveniles facing charges for sexual offenses. But can a minor be a sex offender?

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