Defense Against Sexual Assault Charges
If you are facing charges of sexual assault, do not take chances with your defense. At Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC, our criminal defense attorneys provide aggressive representation, compassionate counsel and 24-hour service to people facing accusations of sexual misconduct.
Fighting For Your Future
More than any other type of crime, allegations of sex offenses have the potential to affect you for the rest of your life. In addition to lengthy prison sentences, a conviction will likely require you to register as a sex offender for life. This can make it impossible to live where you choose and secure the employment you want. In addition, anyone can look up the registry and see your name and address.
With so much on the line, it is critical that you work with an attorney you trust to fight on your behalf. Our lawyers have succeeded in state and federal courts throughout central Ohio, earning a record of results and a strong reputation for sex crimes defense.
Students at The Ohio State University and other schools in the Greater Columbus area may face additional consequences, including expulsion, the loss of financial aid and lifelong ramifications for their careers. Learn more about how we help college students facing sexual assault charges.
Do Not Delay — Get A Free Consultation
To learn more about the charges you are facing, we urge you to contact us for a free consultation. We will answer your questions and start developing a plan to fight your charges and get you back to your life as soon as possible. Please send us an email, or call us today.