Stephen Wolfe

How To Find an Attorney With Experience

Whether you have been accused of a sex crime, arrested for possession, have to go to drug court, or are facing some other charges, your first order of business is to find an attorney. Of course, you do not want to hire just any criminal defense attorney, you want one with experience in your matter.

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Stephen Wolfe

Why Do I Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

The court system, as well as the legal system in general, can be complicated and complex. The average person may not be familiar with court proceedings or even their legal rights. A professional law firm can provide you with an experienced attorney who will be well-versed in the court system. They will be able to inform you of your rights, as well as help you to formulate a unique strategy for your case. The terminology surrounding your case can lead to miscommunication and confusion. A criminal defense lawyer will have the knowledge to navigate the case and inform you of what is being spoken about, as well as address any confusion you may experience. Your lawyer will have seen cases like yours before and help you to understand your crime in detail.

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Stephen Wolfe

Explaining the Various Types of Drug Charges

Although drug charges may not seem like a big deal, being arrested for a crime like this can be life altering. For those charged with drug offenses, it's essential to secure legal representation. But whether you've already been charged with a drug crime or are merely trying to educate yourself about the legal system, it's important to know a bit more about the consequences you (or someone you love) might face. This article will walk through the different types of drug crimes with which individuals can be charged.

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Stephen Wolfe

What You Should Know About Sexual Assault

Sex crimes come in many different forms and is always unexpected. But one thing is for certain: it's never the victim's fault. This topic of discussion has been a sensitive subject for decades, often due to differences in opinion and unconscious biases. However, the way in which a sex offense is classified, what falls in the category of sex crime charges, and what exactly is considered a "sexual assault" is determined by law -- not by feeling. By definition, a sexual assault is any form of sexual contact, or behavior, that occurs without explicit consent of the victim.

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Stephen Wolfe

Accused of a Sex Crime? Stay Off Social Media

At a time when victims can easily share their story by using a hashtag and society is quick to weigh in on the alleged guilt or innocence of the accused well before a trial has ever taken place, this serves as a somber reminder that those accused of a sex crime should steer completely clear of social media.

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Stephen Wolfe

Why Get an Attorney that Specializes in Sex Offenses

Some of the most unfairly treated individuals are those who have been accused of a sex crime. While some deserve everything they get, that must be proven. Even people who have made a mistake deserve their day in court. A criminal lawyer for sex offender is the best way for an accused person to get a fair shot. There are several benefits of choosing a criminal lawyer for sex offender that is trained and experienced with this kind of work.

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