Stephen Wolfe

Seven Ways You Could Still Get Hit With Drug Charges After Medical Marijuana Legalization

While Ohio has legalized medical marijuana, Ohio did not decriminalize all drugs and drug charges are still possible. Drug charges can ruin people's lives. For example, Ohio's laws impose nearly 900 collateral sanctions on people with criminal records. These sanctions can affect a person's housing, family involvement, and, most directly, employment and ability to work. For those charged with drug offenses, drug charges are not just a legal issue, but can affect every part of their lives. Here are seven ways someone could still face drug charges after medical marijuana legalization in Ohio:

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Stephen Wolfe

Sex Crimes and Drugs; Navigating Legal Services and Knowing your Rights

It’s a contentious time to be alive. Many people walk around in fear of being sued on a misunderstanding or mistake. Not to mention being on the receiving end of a crime and not knowing where to turn. With so many people ready to find an attorney at the drop of a hat, how do you know when it’s a good time to start seeking legal services? Legal services are a broad label to cover the many law firms that cover anything from drugs, sex crimes, and tax fraud, to immigration, copyright, and divorce.

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Stephen Wolfe

What Should You Do If You're Falsely Accused of a Sex Crime?

In the era of #MeToo, it seems that sex crimes are more prevalent than ever. In reality, we're just more likely to hear about them now than in years past. Although Ohio sexual assaults were reported at a rate of 86.9 per 100,000 population in 2015, you have to remember that this number does not include all those sex crimes that were not reported by victims. Ultimately, sexual assault victims are far less likely to report at all than they are to falsely accuse someone of a sex crime. However, that's not to say that false accusations never happen. They can and do -- at essentially the same rate that all false reports of other crimes occur. If you feel you have been falsely accused of a sex crime, you may be overwhelmed with emotion and confused about what to do next. We hope this post will help you protect yourself, should you ever be involved in this scenario. Here are some important things to keep in mind if you're falsely accused of sexual assault or another sex crime.

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Stephen Wolfe

Sex Crimes and the Justice Process

Sex crimes are never something to take lightly, and seeking justice against any acts of sexual misconduct is important when it comes to giving victims a voice. If you are looking to seek legal assistance in a sex offense case, then it is time to find a law firm that takes your needs and concerns seriously. That is where we come in.

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Stephen Wolfe

Drug Charges 101: Understanding The 5 Drug Schedules

Nearly one-third of American adults have a criminal record. Since drugs are responsible for so many arrests in the nation (an estimated 1.2 million people were charged with drug law violations in 2016) you may frequently hear legal lingo regarding drug schedules being thrown around. Whether you're facing drug possession charges or simply want to understand what your favorite character on Law and Order is talking about, this article will help you get more acquainted with the five drug schedules.

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Stephen Wolfe

Possession Misconceptions: Dispelling Drug Charge Myths

Although the public opinion surrounding how we classify and criminalize drug use is starting to show signs of change, that doesn't mean the law is quick to catch up. Our nation's rampant drug use may be considered a social crisis, but it's typically still treated as a criminal one. As a result, jails and prisons all across the country are still being filled with citizens who have addiction issues or who made the choice to use illegal drugs. In fact, 84.7% of all arrests made for drug law violations in the United States during 2016 were for possession of a controlled substance -- which could be anything from marijuana and prescription medications to cocaine or methamphetamine.

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Stephen Wolfe

Five Charges that Require a Criminal Defense Attorney

There are a lot of things to remember and a lot of things to look for when you need a criminal defense attorney. Here are five situations that might require you to retain a criminal defense attorney, and tips to remember as you go about finding the attorney that is right for you.

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Stephen Wolfe

5 Things You SHOULDN'T Do After Being Charged With a Sex Crime

Being charged with a sex crime can feel like a nightmare come to life. In stressful situations like these, you may struggle with your emotions. You might even make a mistake that could worsen the situation. It may be difficult, but you'll need to think clearly and make smart choices for your future. Whether you have been falsely accused or misread a situation with a partner, you should refrain from doing the five following things if you're facing sex crime charges.

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Stephen Wolfe

Campus Crime: What to Do if Your College Student is Charged

When you help your child pack up their belongings and drop them off at college for the first time, you might be a little worried about how they'll fare. But by and large, you'll probably be excited for this next chapter in their lives and for all the opportunities they'll have to grow and learn. You'd probably never dream that your son or daughter could suddenly have their future hanging in the balance due to campus criminal charges. Unfortunately, it happens more often than you might realize.

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Stephen Wolfe

Understanding Drug Search and Seizure Laws in Ohio

If you have been charged of a crime -- and even if you are subsequently convicted of that crime -- it's essential to remember that you still have a number of rights as provided by the U.S. Constitution. Although nearly 1.9 million people in the state of Ohio have criminal records, all of those people are granted specific rights that ensure that a speedy and fair trial takes place and that no punishment can be deemed cruel and unusual. Another right all U.S. citizens have is the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. Outlined in the Fourth Amendment, this right makes certain that all persons are protected against unlawful searches and seizures of personal property except in cases of probable cause.

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