Stephen Wolfe

Understanding Ohio Internet Sex Crime Laws

In the digital age, it's no surprise that a growing number of crimes are taking place online. But you might not realize that your activities on the internet could result in sex crime charges. While sexual assaults in Ohio were reported at a rate of 86.9 per 100,000 population in 2015, an individual doesn't necessarily have to do physical harm to another person to need help from a sex crime attorney.

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Stephen Wolfe

Marijuana Possession Laws in Ohio

While the FBI estimates that there were 1,572,579 arrests made throughout the U.S. for drug law violations in 2016, the possible penalties for these crimes can vary widely depending on the circumstances and the drug in question. All across the nation, states are starting to recognize the need to amend laws pertaining to marijuana. While there's still a long way to go before marijuana is completely legalized, those facing drug charges for marijuana possession may be relieved to know that Ohio is a bit more lenient than it used to be in this regard. Today's post will discuss some important information about drug cases involving marijuana.

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Stephen Wolfe

Ask a Lawyer: Possible Defenses For Child Pornography Crimes in Ohio

The possible consequences of sex offenses can be carried out by both the justice system and the general public. Those who are charged with sex crimes are often vilified by their communities, regardless of whether they are actually guilty of these offenses. While there are many types of sex offenses that exist, today's post will center around child pornography crimes and the defense against sex crime charges your lawyer might use.

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Stephen Wolfe

Sex Crimes: Dispelling Common Misconceptions

There's no arguing that those who have been victimized by sexual predators have to endure extremely challenging circumstances. That said, the victims aren't the only ones who have a hard time ahead of them. Those who are falsely accused of these sex crimes or who made one wrong decision will have to endure the potential loss of their reputation, their careers, their families, and even their freedom. With so many uncertainties that come with these cases, there are bound to be misconceptions that continue to permeate society. If you find yourself with a need to develop a defense against sex crime charges, you know someone who has been victimized, or you simply want to educate yourself about these kinds of cases, our post can shed some light on the truth behind some of the most common myths involving sexual assault and other sex crimes.

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Stephen Wolfe

Drug Possession Dos and Dont's: Rules To Follow If You're Arrested

You might assume the police are more concerned with arresting violent offenders than those who commit drug-related crimes. But the truth is that the opposite is thought to be true. During 2016, the FBI estimated that there were 1,572,579 arrests for drug law violations throughout the United States. And according to the Washington Post, more people were arrested that year for marijuana possession than were arrested for crimes designated by the FBI as "violent" combined.

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Stephen Wolfe

Drug Schedules Explained: Understanding U.S. Substance Classification Systems

Because 84.7% of all drug law violations in the U.S. during 2017 were for possession of a controlled substance, the subject of drug classifications may be of importance to you or someone you know. Are prescription medications treated the same as drugs like heroin or cocaine when determining legal consequences? Why are certain drugs considered to be more high-profile than others? Understanding drug classifications (also known as schedules) may provide you with valuable information if you face drug possession charges or simply want to know more about drug cases in the United States.

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Stephen Wolfe

Common Sex Crime Defenses, Explained

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, victims of sexual harassment, assault, and other sex crimes are coming forward to tell their stories and hold others accountable. While this may be long overdue in many respects, an unintended consequence of this shift is that some individuals feel emboldened to accuse others of sex offenses that never actually occurred.

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Stephen Wolfe

Falsely Accused: What You Need to Know When Facing Date Rape Charges

Sexual assault is a real problem in the United States -- a fact about which many men and women have first-hand knowledge. In Ohio alone, sexual assaults were reported at a rate of 86.9 per 100,000 population in 2015. Since then, awareness has increased, making it more likely that brave individuals will feel empowered to come forward to tell their stories. However, an unfortunate side effect of this movement is the growing likelihood of false accusation.

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Stephen Wolfe

Drug Possession Defenses: Possible Approaches Your Lawyer Might Take

Being arrested for any kind of crime is the worst nightmare of many. But in 2016, there were 1,186,810 arrests in the U.S. for drug law violations alone. That means that being arrested for drug possession charges may be a bit more likely than you'd think. And for many Americans, being caught with drugs -- or even being wrongfully charged with possession -- just once can have a profound effect on their future. That's why it's so important to find an attorney with experience in this area to ensure your rights are protected. Depending on the circumstances, your lawyer may be able to argue different defenses for the charges being brought against you. You may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with these possible defenses before going to trial or to ensure you've secured reputable legal representation.

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Stephen Wolfe

If You Are Charged With a Sex Crime, Here's What You Need To Know

In today's world, sex crimes seem to be rampant. The reality is that they've been happening all along, but now, we're much less willing as a society to overlook these sex offenses. Although the #MeToo movement has been responsible for bringing guilty parties to justice in one form or another, there may be a downside to that. It's possible that someone may be unfairly accused and -- with help from news outlets and social media -- be tried in the court of public opinion well before they ever get to argue their case in front of a judge.

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